Common Name: Blubber Jellyfish
Scientific Name: Catostylus mosaicus
Kingdom: Animilia
Phylum: Cndaria
Class: Scyphozoa
Order: Rhizostomeae
Family: Catostylidae
Genus: Catostylus
Species: C.mosaicus

Blubber Jellyfish are beautiful animals because of their extraordinary and peculiar
complexion. In this report, you will learn many characteristics and survival needs. Such
as diet, territory, population, and visual description.
These animals have very unique characteristics. Other species have three to four oral arms, (they look like cauliflower) but blubbers have eight. The circumference of their bell can up to sixteen inches wide. They are translucent, so any color of light shown upon them, they become that color. They have stinging cells called nematocyst, that protect them from their predators.
! Blubber Jellyfish is high population and is on the rise. They live in
coastal ares around Australia and the Philippines. When they move they swim in swarms,
causing problems with fishers. Fishers don’t like them because they harm all the fish in areas
the fishermen get stung by them when reeling in the fish. Also along the coast of Australia, on
their beaches, they are found washed up dead and alive.
! Blubber Jellyfish eat two ways, photosynthesis, and circulatory digestion.
They have algae living in their bodies with them since algae are able to do
photosynthesis, they get the nutrients from the algae when in need of food. Another
way of eating is using their mouth, which is inside of their bell. They eat anything small
that they can consume. One common food they eat is zooplankton. They capture their
food by using their stinging cells to sting their prey, then they open their tentacles wide to
eat it. When it gets the nutrients it needs it poops out the junk out from the same
spot where it was eaten.
! As you can see, Blubber Jellyfish are beautiful animals because of their
exdroidinary peculiar complexion. They have many characteristics that are different
than other jellyfish in their species. You learned in this report about how Blubber Jellyfish eat,
survive, and effect humans. Maybe now you can go see a Blubber Jellyfish in an aquarium and
have a better understanding of them.
By: Kelsey McNary
Published: 02/2013
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"Innovative Saltwater Aquarium Systems." CUBIC. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Feb. 2013.
"Jellyfish - Jellyfish Facts." Jellyfish Facts. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Feb. 2013.
"Monterey Bay Aquarium." Monterey Bay Aquarium. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Feb. 2013.
Raetsen, Donna. Jellyfiish. Creatures of the Sea. Ed. R. Solski. Oshawa, Ont.: S & S Learning
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SuperGreenMe - Green Social Network, Eco Living Tips, Video, Reviews, News. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Feb.