Common Name: Black and White Monkey
Scientific Name: Colobus guereza
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Family: Cercopithecidae
Genus: Colobus
Species: C. guereza

Way up in the tree tops of Kenya, Africa lives a strange but very interesting monkey. This monkey is called the Colobus Monkey or Colobus Guereza.
One of the most interesting characteristics about the Colobus monkey is its fur coloration. Their fur has a unique design and a very soft texture. Their faces are framed in white, and they have long white fur hanging off their shoulders. The rest of their bodies are covered in black fur. It’s beautiful the way it shimmers in the sunlight. When they are born, Colobus monkeys are white. As they begin to grow, their color starts to darken and will become mostly black.
Colobus monkeys grow to about 18-27 inches and weigh up to 12-32 lbs. These monkeys are heavy bodied and long tailed. They like to live in dry and moist climates. They also prefer closed forests, woodlands, and wooded grasslands. Most of the time, Colobus monkeys spend their mornings and evenings way up in the tree tops.
The Colobus monkey has many favorite foods. For example, it loves to get its mouth on fruits, leaves, flowers, seeds and other vegetation. The Colobus monkey will spend much of its time eating in the treetops.
The Colobus Guereza has two main predators, in addition to humans. Chimpanzees are an enemy of the Colobus monkey. Another predator of the Colobus monkey is the crowned hawk eagle.
The Colobus monkey’s population is decreasing, one by one. One of the reasons is because of humans. Colobus monkeys are being killed by humans for their fur. Their fur is used for throw rugs, and some of it is used to make dance costumes including hats and capes.
Although the Colobus monkey may seem like it spends much of its time in the treetops, but it will and always watch out for predators.
One interesting fact about the Colobus monkey is that its tail is longer than its body. If you compared the Colobus monkey to a skunk, they would be similar because of their black and white colors. The name “Colobus” means “mutilated one”.
Author: Jimmy M.
Published: 12/12
Picture Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mantled_guereza