Common Name: Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey
Scientific Name: Rhinopithicus roxellana
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Family: Cercopiecidae
Genius: Rhinopithicus
Species: R. roxellana

The Golden snub- nosed monkey has many different characteristics. The characteristics that will be discussed in this report are the characteristics that I found most interesting and think you will enjoy the most.
The Golden snub- nosed monkey has nostrils that look similar to what an Alien’s might look like. The fur on their bodies is golden and they have a white circle on their bellies. Its eyes are turned sideways.
The Golden snub- nosed monkey lives in central China and is mostly found in the temperate upper forests. According to Nick Garbutt, in his book entitled “100 Animals to See Before They Die,” this animal’s population status is endangered, due to tourism, building roads, and prey. Their population is believed to be 20,000 to 80,000.
The Golden snub-nosed monkey is mostly herbivores and eats lichens, but, sometimes they eat insects. This monkeys’ predators are wolfs, red dogs, leopards, golden cats, foxes, tigers, weasels, and the golden eagle. That’s a lot of predators.
This animal has many other interesting facts. The name “roxellana” refers to the snub-nosed concubine. They live up to 23 years, and weigh 19.8kg to 12.4kg. Their height is 47.5 to 51.8 inches. These are the many characteristics of the Golden snub-nosed monkey.
Author: Anthony B.
Published: 02/2011
Sources: Garbutt, Nick. 2007 October. 100 Animals to See Before They Die.
Gron KJ.2007 November 20. primate fact sheets: golden snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithicus roxellana)Taxonomy, Morphology,& Ecology. http//pin.primate.wisc.edu/factsheets/entry/golden_snub-nosed_monkeys>. Accessesd 2011 Feb.10.