Common Name: Indian Crested Porcupine
Scientific Name: Hystrix indica
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordate
Class: Mammalia
Order: Rodentia
Family: Hystricadae
Genus: Hystrix
Species: H. indica

The Hystrix indica is an Indian Crested Porcupine. This porcupine is anywhere from 24-39 pounds. It is a very interesting color because it has black on the body hair, then brown, then the quills are white and black and white stripes. The quills are many different shapes and sizes. Some can be very long and then some can be very short. They can get up to 3 feet long. This porcupine has very strong and sturdy feet and long claws that are used for digging holes or burrows.
You will find this porcupine anywhere in India and Srilanka. Their bodies can change to any habitat but they do prefer hilly and rocky mountains. They eat some insects but mostly fruit, vegetables, grains, and roots.
Their predators are humans and large cats like lions and tigers. But those animals that can eat them are either lucky or have eaten a dead one. The chance of them getting eaten is highly impossible because their piercing quills can dig into the predators skin.
0One question that a lot of people wonder is how many of them are there? Nobody really knows because their population is so wide spread. They are growing tremendously.
Some things that I found interesting about this porcupine is that they are the largest one in the world. I also found that they can be as heavy as a 2-3 year old. Their quills can reach up to 16 inches long. These porcupines are also known for their extremely sharp teeth that they have to wear down. That is why they chew on bark, tree roots, chain linked fences and even broken pieces of cement.
My most favorite thing about them is that they rattle their quills before they attack kind of like a rattle snake.
Author: Meghan B
Published: 02/2007
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