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Common Name:  Yellow-Footed Antechinus
Scientific Name:  Antechinus flavipes

Kingdom:  Animalia
Phylum:  Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order:  Dasyuromorphia
Family:  Dasyuridae
Genus:  Antechinus
Species:  Antechinus flavipes


Australia is home to many exotic creatures, but one creature in particular is the Antechinus flavipes. The Antechinus flavipes, or commonly known as the Yellow-footed Antechinus, is a small, destructive animal.


The yellow-footed Antechinus is easily recognized by pale, crescent shaped markings by its eyes. Their tail is tipped with a black coloring, and has a gray fur coloring until it gets to the belly where it melts into a warm; rusty color.  It’s about the size of an adult mouse, 11.7 cm long, with a tail measuring up to 9.7 cm long. When it becomes mature it weighs up to 79g.


 This animal can be found in many places around Australia.  It can be seen in houses, gardens, etc.  It covers a wide area of Australia from North-eastern Queensland to South-western Australia. It usually inhabits rainforests, swamps, and woodlands. It mainly covers Australia’s right side.


Its main diet consists of small insects, nectar, small birds, and sometimes human food.  They usually eat up all of their prey. Carcasses from birds and mice are usually turned inside out as proof of a great meal for the small, voracious creature.  It scavenges for food most of the day, and looks for food during anytime of day. It is known to gnaw through things like plastic, or just about anything in order to get its food.


Clearly, the Antechinus flavipes is a very interesting creature. It just adds too many of the other fascinating animals that Australia holds in its animal kingdom. 


Author: Leah V

Date Published: 02/2011


Sources:  "Antechinus Flavipes (Yellow-footed Antechinus) - JCU." Antechinus Flavipes. James Cook University. Web. 14 Feb. 2011.




"! Yellow-footed Antechinus ! Tropical Rainforest Queensland Australia." ! Rainforest Australia ! Tropical Rainforest, Far North Queensland Australia. John Chambers. Web. 14 Feb. 2011.



The New Book of Knowledge. Vol. A. Danbury, CT: Scholastic Library Pub., 2004. Print.


Photo Credits: Groves, C. (2005). Wilson, D. E., & Reeder, D. M, eds. ed. Mammal Species of the World (3rd ed.). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Pg.29. ISBN 0-801-88221-4. OCLC 62265494.






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