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Common Name: Western Quoll

Scientific Name: Dasyurus geoffroii

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Dasyuromophia
Family: Dasyuridae
Genus: Dasyrus
Species: D. geoffroii


Do you know what a Dasyrus Geoffroii is? They could be called the Western quoll too, they are very interesting. The first time you see it you might think it is ugly, but if you learn more about it you will say it is interesting. Dasyurus is both prey and predator.

Western Quoll lives in the bottom corner of Australia. They live their bas n the weather of Australia. Their food vegetation is better supply or more reliable source of food. The live in Jorrah Forest or Wheat belt/Goldfields. They even make horizontal logs at least 30 cm, but usually greater the 50 cm. They live in the South-western corner of Australia in wet or dry forests.

Western Quoll is brown coat with white spots on the top, with a long tail. They can be called as the Chuditch or Western Native Cat, and they have five toes on each foot. Males are about thirty five cm long and a female is from 26-36 cm long. Their tail length can range around 21 to 35 cm long.

They dig in the ground to hide from predators, also climb up trees to stay away from predators; they also do so to look for prey. When they drink, they drink slowly to stay quiet. They also sometimes swim in water.

They eat small vertebrates, carrion, arthropods, freshwater crayfish, and other small animals along with some plants. They eat little food in the winter. 

Author: Shi L
Published: 02/2012


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