Common Name: Fourteen-Gill Hagfish
Scientific Name: Eptatretus polytrema
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Myxini
Order: Myxiniformes
Family: Myxinidae
Genus : Eptatretus
Species: E. Polytrema
Have you ever wondered about the species of Eptatretus polytrema (Fourteen-Gill Hagfish)? Well, if you have your in luck because I'm going to give you very satisfying information that I hope you will enjoy. To start with, its longest it has ever reached is approximately 46.8 cm long. Next, this might be weird but it enters large fishes by way of the mouth and anus and feed on its viscera and muscles. Also, it lives in Eastern Pacific: southeastern Alaska to Bahia San Pablo, central Baja California, Mexico.
In addition, the main colors of the Fourteen-Gill Hagfish are Dark brown, tan, gray, or brownish red, often tinted with blue or purple, never black, lighter ventrally, rarely with large patches of white; preserved specimens light brown. More importantly, they are harmless creatures to humans all around the world! Thats a relief, isn't it.
A good example is, they love to live in the saltiest of waters were they get the best preys. They feed on other roaming around fishes by making a hole into their preys stomach and eats the best part, tissue. They also like to live in demersal habitats. Their depth range is Their depth range is 10.0 to 350. 0 meters and 32.8 to 1148.3 ft.
As I mentioned before, they love their fish from the inside stomach. They slither around with their species and wait patiently for their prey to arrive. They're spotted in Alaska most of the time as I've been told. They might not even eat a meal every day but they are made to be patient and they really are patient. I don't really think they ever go on a diet actually.
In the end, these amazing creatures aren't that bad to humans at least. But to their prey and also us I think we feel intimidated by them because they took over one of the greatest lakes and had millions of babies. My strong opinion is that they will highly be seen over and over again around the world.
Author : Victoria C.
Published : 2/2013
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