Common name: Python
Scientific name: Python reticulatus
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Reptilia
Order: Serpentes
Family: Pythonidae
Genus: Python
Species: P. reticulatus

This is the world’s largest snake and adult pythons can grow to be over 28 feet long. All though they are recorded to be the longest they are relatively slender and not the heaviest built for such a length. The pythons color pattern is not simple with it’s and diamond shaped colorful pattern. Most have a disruptive coloration that allows them to hide in debris and their jungle environment. This also allows them to keep safe from predators and sneak up on prey.
This predators food consists of mammals to birds sometimes, some smaller of the pythons dine on rodents while larger enjoy pigs and some say primates. These snakes are capable of swallowing organisms 25% their own length and up to their own wait. Some pythons have eaten dogs, cats, sheep, and more. These large predators will wait till its prey comes within striking rage and coil around the victim. But these snakes do not attack humans.
This snake is found all over the world such as in rain forests, woodlands, and grasslands. Also occasionally found in places with near by streams or rivers. I believe they live in these places because they are cool and damp also provide good hiding for the snake to strike at.
This snake can be kept for a pet therefore resulting in selective breeding like the albino and tiger. Female pythons can lay between 15 and 18 eggs per birth. The eggs take a usual of 88 days to hatch. Also they are kept at an incubation temperature of 31 to 32 degrees F. these hatchlings are at least 2 feet long.
I was very lucky to do a report about such an interesting animal with such a beautiful coloration. I was surprised to learn they could swim and did not attack humans. Also I was shocked to see pictures of little kids with them and people having them as pets. One thing is true though I will never have one as a pet. I hope you have learned something fun and interesting I know I have.
Author: Emily K.
Published: 2/9/2010
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