Common name: Angolan Python
Scientific name: Python anchietae
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Reptilia
Order: Squamata
Family: Pythonidae
Genus: Python
Species: P. anchieteae

This python is commonly known as the Angolan python, you may also know it as the Anchietae python. This python can grow up to at least 180 centimeters in length when it has reached full adult. It can be described as a reddish brown with black ground color overlaid with a cream or white colored spots and bands. This species is very large but non venomous so you wont have to worry if you get bit but seek medical help immediately.
This snake will eat just about anything it’s around but it is mostly fond of birds and small mammals. Snake are probably the best land hunters for being in a tree and all. This snake competes for food with many other pythons but mostly competes for food against the crocodiles that live near. This snake is most likely to be eaten by other animals or get captured by humans.
Pythons are known to live in the wild or in the gardens of people’s houses. This snake lives in the rocky outcrops or open brush. Anywhere they can be left alone mainly. Away from humanity. They live in Angola and Namibia out back in the country.
This is a very rare species and there probably aren’t many out there. This population is currently shrinking because of the amount of hunters out there.
Did you know that this snake is one of the most royal snakes out of many. This snake is related to the royal python is how it is one of the most royal pythons. This species is very rare because there is not many left alive . This snake can have up to as many as 4 to 5 babies
Author: Alyssa R.
Published: 4/2010
Photo Credit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/python_anchietae#cite_note-Meh82-1