Common Name: Carpet Python
Scientific Name: Morelia spilota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Reptilia
Order: Serpentes
Family: Pythonidae
Genus: Morelia
Species: M. spilota

The Carpet Python also known as the carpet snake is a pretty cool. It can reach up to 14 feet in length. It is non venomous so it is a constrictor. It is almost harmless so people can keep them as pets. Their diet is of mostly of small animals like bats, birds, lizards, and rodents. There are 6 subspecies. The males are smaller than the females and that come in many different colors. Carpet snakes live in Australia and New Guinea. They are found commonly near towns and cities where it is easy to find food like rats and mice. They are a tree snake but aren’t always found in trees. They lay 10-50 eggs at once and curl around them to keep them warm they stop taking care of them one they are hatched. They are cold blooded (just like every other reptile) so they can be seen basking quite a bit. People have a problem with there basking, because they prefer to bask on rocks and the road.
The Carpet Snake can live in many different places from dry grasslands to actually some places that receive snow. They are not in any real trouble with population except for two of there subspecies which are listed as threatened. A healthy adult carpet python can survive six to twelve months without any food. They may have a lifespan of 15 to 20 years. They are nocturnal so they hunt during the night. Carpet Pythons of a different area often have there own unique coloring.
The carpet python got its name from the design on its scales representing an oriental carpet. A full grown carpet snake weighs about 33 pounds. Though 13 feet is still really big they are only medium size snake. The carpet snakes color pattern allows it to blend in with its surroundings they are chordates so they have a backbone and full digestive system. They have bilateral symmetry meaning that you cut them in half threw the middle you would have two pieces that are the same. I think the carpet snake is a great animal. People keep them as pets. They are harmless. And I think would make a great pet.
Author: Parker S
Published: 02/2010
Sources: encyclopedia.farlex.com
Animal bytes
Australia zoo