Common Name: Seychelles Mud Turtle
Scientific Name: Pelusios seychellensis
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Reptilia
Order: Testudines
Family: Pelomedusidae
Genus: Pelusios
Species: P. seychellensis

There are many different sizes for the Eastern Mud Turtle. The most common size for the small shell is 3-4 inches. The Mud Turtle is kneeless, lacks any pattern and is in varies of color, like from yellowish to black. The Plastron is large and double hinged and can also be yellowish to brown and may sometimes have a clouding its feet are webbed. They are known for their dull shell, color and relation to the Smelly Musk Turtles.
The Eastern Mud Turtle is primarily carnivorous and will consume almost anything they can catch including: fish, worms, insects, grubs, crustaceans, tadpoles, small berries, and even carrion. The species covers Long Island, South to southern Florida west to central Texas, north up the Mississippi Valley to Southern Illinois and southwest Indiana. They can be found in fresh or brackish water, including marshes, small ponds, wet ditches and fields, and offshore islands.
In New York this is the rarest species ever, there are only five species remaining. They are mostly seen crossing roads. Most of them are unfortunately killed from passing cars and sometimes are very a significant loss to this unfortunate population.
The Eastern Mud Turtle eats things like worms, grubs, shellfish, fish, crustaceans, tadpoles, small berries, carrion and some plants. They are primarily carnivorous and will almost consume anything they can catch. The Eastern Mud Turtle can lay up to 6-8 eggs and bury them in the ground. The sun's heat will hatch them. Did you know that an Eastern Mud Turtle takes up to 5-7 years to mature and can live longer than any animals? Some live up to be 150 years old! This animal is probably extinct.
Author: Aracely M.
Published: 02/2009
Sources: http://herpcenter.ipfw.edu/index.htm?http://herpcenter.ipfw.edu/outreach/accounts/reptiles/turtles/E_Mud_Turtle/index.htm&2 Animal Illustrated By: Editors-In Cheif David Burnie & Don E. Wilson Published By:Dk Publishing, Inc Houdson Street, New York, New York 10014 First American Edition: 2001 First Paperback: 2005