Common Name: Chinese Soft Shelled Turtle
Scientific Name: Pelodiscus sinensis
Kingdom: Anamilia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Sauropsida
Order: Testundines
Family: Truonychindae
Genus: Pelodiscus
Species: P. sinensis

A really interesting fact about the Chinese Soft Shelled Turtle it is the second largest of any other turtle. They are originally from China but they migrated to Taiwan, Korea, North Vietnam, Batan Islands, Malaysai, Japan, and even California. Right now they haven’t migrated in 4 years to any other country. Even though they haven’t migrated anywhere in a while there are still increasing their population. The only place they’ve decreased is China because they use it for a tasty turtle soup.
The Chinese Soft Shelled Turtle reproduces sexually like 70% of many other animals. They lay 18 to 32 eggs but only two or four times a year. All pet owners of this turtle must put the eggs in warm salt water. Any egg that is not put into salt water will die very quick. If the turtle is in the ocean it can find a safe place. It won’t need any help from other sea creatures or animals, and then it has an 80% chance of the eggs not dying. The eggs are extremely fragile so if there is a small accident it has a 90% chance of dying.
If you haven’t seen the Chinese Soft Shelled Turtle before you probably want to know the details. Their shell is a very light green but nothing close to a yellow. If their shell is yellow that means they have at least 5 minutes until death. Their head is a bit darker than the shell but just a slight color difference. If you’re close enough you can see solid green dots on its stomach. Their stomach is also the same color as their head, and the rest of its body. When they’re still an egg they are 5cm and when they are close the hatching they are 12cm. When they’re an adult they average from 2ft to 3ft. It has a long snout and tube-like nostrils. They are really lucky to have a snout that is long so they can use it like a snorkel and breathe easier while resting.
Do you ever wonder what they eat? This turtle isn’t like others, they eat only at night. They can eat crustaceans, mollusks, insects, fish, and any amphibian smaller than itself. When it’s a baby the mom teaches its baby turtles how to catch food. However, the mom doesn’t catch it for anyone else but herself. It can’t eat any food that we eat or any other animal. In just a few hours digesting the food it could die.