Common Name: Ross’s Goose
Scientific Name: Chen rossii
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Anseriformes
Family: Anatidae
Genus: Chen
Species: C. rossii

The Chen rossii (more commonly known as the Ross’s Goose) lives in North America. It is a rather small Goose that is currently on the IUCN’s Least Concern List. It is an herbivorous animal that lives mostly in agricultural areas or shallow wetlands. It is currently not threatened by anything now, but many thing could affect the population. This bird is extremely interesting as there are many strange things about it. Such as, there was a blue morph of this bird, which was confirmed in 1971. Also, the hatchlings can leave the nest and feed themselves in only 24 hours!
The Chen rossii’s appearance is affected by the gender of the bird. An average bird is about 53 - 66 cm long, with a wingspan of 115 - 130 cm. The bird has white plumage (feathers) with black tips. It has a short beak that is dark pink, becoming brighter as it reaches the top. A male’s beak also has small wart like growths on the bottom of its beak. The female however, is about six percent smaller than the male Chen rossii with fewer wart like growths and a smaller neck with a slanted forehead. Its colors are also different than the male’s in the juvenile (young) stage, as it has darker grey feathers head, back, and breasts.
The Chen rossii lives in agricultural areas and shallow wetlands in the winter. Though, its breeding range is in Canada (mostly the arctic part). It then later Migrates south in the winter to California, though they can also be found in southern Texas and Mexico. The Chen Rossii’s range is believed to be travelling east as of now though, as some can be seen in the Netherlands. During its breeding time, it can be found in the arctic tundra, nesting on islands in shallow lakes. The Chen rossii is currently placed on the IUCN’s least concern list as its population is steadily increasing.
The Chen rossii is an herbivorous bird, that has a diet that consists of roots, leaves stems, legumes (peas, beans clovers etc.) and some domestic grains. It is not really in danger from predators ( unless you count the hunters that got it on the IUCN’s list.) It is currently illegal to hunt the Chen rossii.
Again, the Chen rossii is a rather small bird living (mostly) in North America. It is herbivorous and currently not in very much danger. It has a steadily increasing population, and it does not have many predators, (as most of them were hunters). The male and female of this species each have a different look, but it mainly differs in coloration and a small size decrease. As of now, this bird is fine and does not see the threat of extinction in the immediate future.
"Ross's Geese." Ross's Goose (Chen Rossii or Anser Rossii). Avianweb.com, n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2014. <http://www.avianweb.com/rossesgeese.html>.
"Ross's Goose (Chen Rossii)." Ross's Goose Videos, Photos and Facts. Arkive, n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2014. <http://www.arkive.org/rosss-goose/chen-rossii/>.