Common Name: Common Teal
Scientific Name: Anas crecca
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Anseriformes
Family: Anatidae
Genus: Anas
Species: A. crecca

Anas crecca are birds with a slightly green wing. Yearly their population had decreased but is now steady. They are the second most hunted duck. Their size is about 14-1/2 in. (37 cm). they weigh about 1 lb. (1/2 kg). they have adapted to their watery environment and have webbed feet the help them paddle. They have a wingspan of 22-24 inches.
Anas crecca live in California and many northern places. They like freshwater shallows but open ponds near the shore-line or in mudflats. They always live near tree. Sometimes they will climb trees to perch. The marsh makes it harder for predators to enter. This makes their webbed feet useful for escaping. They migrate south in winter. They need a lot of vegetation in their habitat.
There isn’t much Anas crecca’s; They’re the second most hunted bird. Their decrease was estimate 10 percent a year but now has increased. Their beauty is a prized possession for hunters. They are well-known in Spain. From an all-time low of 722,000 birds in 1962, green-winged teal populations have grown steadily since. In 2009, they reached an all-time high of 3.4 million in 2009.
Anas crecca Primarily feeds on plant material, including seeds, grasses, and aquatic plants. They will also eat snails and tadpoles. Anas crecca compete among themselves. There is always not enough food for one bird so they will fight. Many smaller birds will be harmed or even killed during this scares season. They usually life away from other species so don’t run in to fighting much.
Anas crecca get hunted a lot. They are the second most hunted animal. Skunks also are a problem. This species is threatened by lowland habitat loss and degradation. Ducks are easily hunted because of their lack of senses. Anas crecca also use trees for protection against animals.
Anas crecca are agile fliers. They are the only bird known to scratch while flying. They are one of the smallest ducks. They can appear violet at certain angles. It is one of the fastest bird. It is capable of quick turns. They are very active.
Published: 02/2013
Sources: http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/Anas_crecca/