Common Name: Black-faced Grosbeak
Scientific Name: Caryothraustes Poliogaster
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Cardinalidae
Genus: Caryothraustes
Species: C. Poliogaster

The common name of my animal is the Black-faced Grosbeak. The Black faced Grosbeak size is 16.5cm long its weight 36g. There are many colors of the bird examples there is black,green,white.
Its characteristics are they have big bills and they have a black face with white and green on its body.It makes a living because of its beak it eats a lot of seeds. It also comes from a big family.
In their habitat they do well at hiding and finding food. They are found in the central of Mexico in woodlands and edges of mountain forests along dessert streams to backyards and gardens. There are 20 black faced grosbeak.
The population grows more in the summer. The change is good because it brings more nature and more life into the world. Black-faced Grosbeak eats beetles,caterpillars and other insects, and it also eats fruits and seeds. They eat at morning and night.
They eat in their nests and they also feed their little ones. Humans eat Black-faced Grosbeaks and foxes eat them and many more animals. It invades being eating by hiding in its nest trees and bushes.
What stood out when i read my animal was the color of the bird and its sounds. What i learned about my bird is the size of it and where it lives and many more things. In conclusion, this bird is really amazing with many interesting facts.
Author:Alexis D.
Published: 02/2014