Common Name: Three Spotted Horsefly
Scientific Name: Tabanus trimaculatus
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Diptera
Family: Tabindae
Genus: Tabanus
Species: T. tabanus

Insects in the order Diptera and family Tabindae are commonly called horse flys which is its common name. It has big green eyes and a solid wide wingspan. It is commonly found in the eastern and southern United States.
Horse flys can range in length up to 3/4 to 1/4 inches. They are about the size of an average horse fly. It has black webbed wings and big green eyes. They have adaptations to warm and sunny areas because they are attracted to light.
The horsefly can be found in wet areas anywhere in the eastern United States. There are approxamitely 4,500 species of them known around the world. The population has been increasing, horse flys can 300 eggs per birth.
Its daily meal consists if nectar and pollen from flowers and grasslands. Females usually require a blood meal for reproduction. They get the blood from mostly mammals, these animals are fossorial predators. Aside from its diet, it also has predators. Those organisms consist of birds or spiders. Most of the time they have no protection.
Author: Brooke S.
Published: 3/13
Sources: http://bugguide.net/node/view/19942http://www.worldfieldguide.com/wfg-species-detail.php?taxno=1358http://www.pherobase.com/database/species/species-Tabanus-trimaculatus.php
Photo Credit: Bev Manning http://www.whatsthatbug.com/tag/wtb-down-under/