Common Name: Horse fly
Scientific Name: Callidus callidus
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Incsecta
Order: Diptera
Family: tabanidae
Genus: Callidus
Species: C. callidus

Callidus callidus also known as a deer or yellow fly. They can have a gold pattern or even green eyes. Females feed on blood and while they do that the males are busy collecting pollen. There bite is not poisonous but very painful. They live in wet environments
Also they carry eye worms. they are called deer flies because their main prey is deer. They mostly live in kentucky. They put their larvey in wet soil. They live around ponds. They are active during the day
In addition they use sharp parts of their mouth. They can cause infections and they feed on blood. They lay 25 to 1000 eggs in their entire life. There are over 100 different species that are know just in texas.
They make a x like bite mark. They are smaller than wasps but they are less deadly. They lay their eggs in a small clusters they lay them on a small leaf. They lay their eggs in a damp soil like substance
Author: James M.
Published: 02/13
Resource Links: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horse-fly
Photo Credit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horse-fly