Common Name: Mormon Metalmark
Scientific Name: Apodemia mormo
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropada
Class: Insecta
Order: Lepidoptera
Family: Riodinidae
Genus: Apodemia
Species: A. mormo

The Apodemia mormo better known as the Mormon Metalmark is 1 ¼ inches it may not be great in size but is great in disguise. They disguise them-self by sitting on trees and other plants that have the same coloring. Most of the Mormon metalmarks are black/brown and orange with white polka-dots. They are threatened by birds and can be found in chaparral-covered hills, rocky slopes, and deserts. They are considered an endangered species. The Mormon Metalmark eats duck wheat. They compete for their food like every other animal that lives in the wild do they have to deal with bees and other butterflies. The Apodemia mormo is good for the economy by spreading pollen to flower to flower.
This butterfly can be found in New Mexico, South through Southern California North Dakota, and west of Washington. The adaptation of the Mormon Metalmark is their capability to live in hot areas. The Mormon Metalmark does well in the economy because they have adapted to the economy that they live in but they have not adapted to every environment. What stood out as I did my report on the Apodemia mormo is that they eat duck wheat. I learned many things from studying this butterfly like they are very small and are at the length of 1 ¼ inch.
Author: Ryan H
Published: 02/2010