Common Name: Crane Fly
Scientific Name: Holoriusia rubiginous
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Diptera
Family: Tipulidae
Genus: Holoriusia
Species: H. rubiginous

The Holoriusia rubiginous is also known as the giant crane fly. It is an insect in the family Tipulidae. Adults are very slender, long-legged flies that may vary in length from 2-60 millimeters though tropical species may exceed to 100 millimeters or 3.9 inches.
In the United Kingdom, Ireland, Newfoundland and Nova scotia they are referred to as daddy long legs, but this name can also refer to 2 Unrelated arthropods.The larvae of the crane fly is commonly known as a leather jacket. These larvae can cause damage to lawns by feeding on the roots of grass plants.
In appearance crane flies seam long and gangly, with very long legs, and a long slender abdomen. The wings are often held out when at rest, making the large halteres easily visible. Unlike most flies are weak and poor fliers with a tendency to “wobble” in unpredictable patterns during flight, and they can be caught without much effort.
The giant crane fly can reach up to 38 millimeters. Some Tipula species are 64 millimeters. Many smaller species are mosquito-sized, but they can be distinguished from mosquitoes by the V-shaped suture on the thorax.
Female abdomens contain eggs, and as a result appear swollen in comparison to those males. The female abdomen also ends in pointed ovipositor that may look somewhat like a stinger, but it is completely harmless.
Despite their common names, as adults, crane flies do not prey on mosquitoes, or nor do they bite humans. Some larval crane flies are predatory and may eat mosquito larvae. Adult crane flies feed on nector or they o not feed at all. Once they become adults, most crane flies species exist only to mate and die. The Giant crane fly is occasionally considered a mild turf pest in some areas.
Author: Josh E
Published: 02/2013
Sources: http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crane_fly
Photo Credit: http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:CraneFly.jpg