Common Name: Highland midge
Scientific Name: Culicoides impunctatus
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Diptera
Family: Ceratopogonidae
Genus: Culicoides
Species: C. impunctatus

Do you hate have to go to practice and wake up with a bite that’s the highland midge. The name is the highland midge. It is very small .it is mostly near Scotland area. My purpose of me writing this is to give you information about the highland midge.
The general description of the midge. The size of it is smaller than a finger nail. The color of it is a red body and a clear abdomen. It is a blood sucking bug. That’s the general description.
The highland midge habit, population and predators. It is found in Europe and Scotland. There are a lot of midge its population is growing because they lay 2.5 million lava the midge habitat, population and conservation.
The midge is very low in the food chain. They drink from cattle, sheep, human they do it in the late summer when they do it is when its dust and dawn. Where they do it is in Scotland and Europe. How they drink the blood is they inject a tube in the skin. The predators of of the midge are human because human have hands to hit the midge.
The importance of the midge is its not in America. The thing that stood out is that the abdomen is longer and clear so that you can see the blood in it. The highland midge is a very interesting bug!
Author: Gabe S.
Published: 02/13
Photo credit: http://www.diptera.info/forum/attachments/209918.jpg