Common Name: Fifteen spotted Lady Beetle
Scientific Name: Anatis labiculata
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Coleoptera
Family: Coccinellidae
Genus: Anatis
Species: Anatis labiculata

The scientific name of the fifteen spotted lady beetle is Anatis Labiculata. The animal Anatis Labiculata can be found in many parts of the world. They can be found almost everywhere in the world, except for the northern regions. Sometimes they will get with a pack and travel to warmer lands. They will usually show up in the spring when it starts to get warmer.
The fifteen spotted lady beetle is almost exactly like a lady bug, but is looks more like a beetle and has more spots than an average ladybug. The fifteen spotted lady beetle is often red, orange, white, and may even be a black-gray color. It is an oval shape and has three legs on each side of its body. The fifteen spotted lady beetle also has two antennas in front of his face. Often times in this species of beetle the males are smaller than the females.
The lady beetles can grow up to 7.20 to 9.50 mm long, and the width can range to 5.50 to 8.0 mm long. One thing that the 15 spotted lady beetle doesn’t have in common with other species is that they have fifteen spots and the other species does not. The 15 spotted lady beetle falls into the predator section of the food web. It can also be classified as a secondary consumer of the food web. The species of this animal is a growing, stable species.
The ICUN status of the fifteen spotted lady beetle is that birds eat them. However, they are not endangered and have a growing population. This species consists of consumers and carnivores. The lucky thing for them is that they rarely compete for food. If they do it is with one of their own species or a neighboring species. What they eat specifically are some of the things that ladybugs eat too! Those things are aphids, scales, spider mites, mealy bugs, and anthropods which are known as insects or mites.
When a fifteen spotted lady beetle eats it crushes the aphid with its mouth. Then it will suck the juices out of it. The predators of the fifteen spotted lady beetle are lizards, birds, spiders, chipmunks, and sometimes humans. The reason why they might sometimes get eaten by humans is because if humans get food off of a tree and eat it the fifteen spotted lady beetle might be on the food and get eaten. The life span of the lady beetle is 1-2 years at the most.
Author: Macie D
Date Published: 03/2013
References: ask.com, google.com, answers.com, Wikipedia.com, yahoo.com