Common Name: Himalayan Honey Bee
Scientific Name: Apis dorsata
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Apidea
Genus: Apis
Species: A. dorsata

The Himalayan Bee is the biggest honey bee in the world. This Himalayan bee is absolutely black in color with white stripes on each abdominal segment. These bees are tropical and in most places they migrate seasonally. The bee lives in Asia mainly in forested areas like the Teria of Nepal. The purpose of this is so people can learn about this awesome Honey bee.
This Bee is nearly one inch it is 17-19mm. They have a cool coloration it is all black and white stripes on each abdominal segment. Their adaptations are highly adaptable to its highlands habit example. Hollow Trees. Despite its aggressive nature, indigenous peoples have traditionally used this species as a source of honey and beeswax, a practice known as honey hunting. The honey bee has cool colors, highly adaptable and has some cool characteristics.
This Honey bee is found in South and Southeastern Asia mainly in forested like places. They build a massive single comb 1 – 3 meters wide, layers of bees cover the outside. Colonies up to 100,000 individuals. The conservation is humans spraying smoke all over them and breaking the nests. This bee is found in Asia mainly 100,000 Himalayan honey bees in Asia.
This bee’s job is to protect the queen and protect the nest, also to give humans honey and beeswax. Their diet when there in a wilderness for a long period of time is a diet consisting of locusts and wild honey. There predator is the Fletcher, Seeley, Crane, and the Wongsiri. They get prevented from getting eaten because there comb is protected by layers of protective curtains. As you can see it has interesting thing it can do and what this insect does.
The importance of this Himalayan Honey bee is to give humans honey and there beeswax to humans. Also there material to make clothes. The most interesting facts about this bee is it’s the biggest honey bee in the world and it has cool colors. They also die if they sting someone.
Author: Nicholas R
Published: 2/2013
Sources: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apis_Dorsata, Absoluteastronomy.com/topics/apis_dorsata
Photo Credit: May 2008, L.Shyamal