Common Name: Bumblebee
Scientific Name: Bombus fraternus
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Apidea
Genus: Bombus
Species: B. fraternus

The general size of the queen bee is 22-27 mm. The male bee ranges from 19-25 mm, and the worker bee is usually around 13-18 mm. Their coloration is black and yellow. The color is caused from bands of hair the color of yellow and black. The hairs make them look “fuzzy”. Their hind legs are full of little hairs that help pollinate. They have many adaptations including drinking pollen from flowers. It helps them get food and also when they are moving from flower to flower they are pollinating. Their stingers are also an adaptation, but it can also hurt them. When they sting someone it is for their protection, but they also die from stinging someone.
Identifying characteristics are their black eyes, six legs, their “fuzzy” look, their wings, and their stinger. Bombus fraternus is native to the United States and east of the Rocky Moutains.It is most often encountered in areas with sandy soil, such as the Southeast. They do well in the ecosystem because they work together. They stay in colonies and they have certain areas to pollinate. When they are done they move to another part and start working on pollinating more flowers.
They are found mostly in the United States. The Bombus fraternus species is growing due to their reproduction. They are able to pollinate more flowers and make more honey for us humans. Their role in the food web is to pollinate flowers. They compete for food with other worker bees who are trying to drink nectar out of flowers. Other than that there is very little competition.
Bumblebees are very valuable during cool weather when they are not very active. Bombus fraternus avoids being eaten with their stinger. If they feel threatened, they will use their stinger to sting someone to protect themselves. They will die when they sting a person. What stood out as I read about Bombus fraternus is that there is a queen bee and she basically rules the whole hive. I learned a lot, such as that they pollinate in groups and have a certain group of flowers to pollinate. They do most things together.
Author: Lindsay D
Published: 02/2008
Sources: 14 Feb. 2008 http://bugguide.net/node/view/67084
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