Common Name: Bluefire Jellyfish
Scientific Name: Cyanea lamarckii
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Cnidaria
Class: Scyphozoa
Order: Semaeostomeae
Family: Cyaneidae
Genus: Cyanea
Species: C.Lamarckii

The Blue Jellyfish or Bluefire Jellyfish was discovered by Jean-Baptiste Lamarck. It’s sometimes founded with the Lion’s Maine Jellyfish.
Blue Jellyfish have many features. They range between 10 to 20 centimeters long in size. The Blue Jelly fishes color is a bluish purplish tone. They have up to forty stinging tentacles and a medusa shape.
The Blue Jellyfish lives around the United Kingdom’s coastal range. They have been found in shallow waters. The population of the Blue Jellyfish is unknown. The population of jellyfish has grown six times since 2002. The contribution to the growth of jelly fish is humans. The reason for this is because humans are killing the jellyfish’s predators.
The Blue Jellyfishes role in the food web is that it controls the population and their feces fertilize plants below it. Blue Jellyfish eat plankton, small eggs, and small fish or almost anything in their way. They compete against food with other small fish. The animals that eat the Blue Jelly fish are Leatherback Turtles, Sunfish, and sea birds. They will evade these animals by stinging the predator with its tentacles which have toxic venom in them.
In conclusion I learned many things about the Blue Jellyfish. Such as the size, predators, and the sting of the Blue Jellyfish. The thing that stood out the most is how they eat.
Author: Vaughn W.
Published: Feb. 2013
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