Common name: Mountain Tarsier
Sientific name: Tarsius pumilus
Kingdom: Anamalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Family: Tarsiidae
Genus: Tarsius
Species: T. pumilus

The Mountain Tarsier is a very rare and interesting animal. It is one in five species of the Tarsiidae family, but it is the rarest of them all.
The Mountain Tarsier (Tarsius Pumilus) is a very small monkey. They can weigh from 2.82-5.81 oz. and are about the size of a baseball. The Mountain Tarsier is a grey-brown color or a faded brown. The Mountain Tarsier is a nocturnal animal, which is why it has such big eyes, and its tail is very hairy when its body hair is very short.
The reason that the Mountain Tarsier is so rare is because they are only found in the tropical mosslike rainforests in the central Sulawesi Mountains in Indonesia.
The feeding habits of the Mountain Tarsier are very simple. They Mostly eat insects and arthropods. They catch their pray by a sudden frog like jump and they chew side to side, and the only thing they drink is water. They also play an important role in local food webs by eating certain insects.
There are few predators for the Mountain Tarsier. The predators are most likely to be small carnivorous animals. They might also be hunted by small mammals. Because of these predators the population of Mountain Tarsiers are very few. Only a handful of Mountain Tarsiers are known. In fact the Federation of Unified Confederate Nations (FUCN) figures since there are only a few known and that the habitat is so small that they are endangered. Even though, they are not held in captivity.
Now that you know how rare the Mountain Tarsier is, here are some interesting facts. For one Mountain Tarsiers are strongly classified by its small body, or that they spend most of the day sleeping on branches because they do not build nests. The Mountain Tarsier can rotate its head nearly 360 degrees. They can also leap several meters from tree to tree. The weirdest thing about the Mountain Tarsier is there are no records of vocalization. Now you can see that the Mountain Tarsier is a very interesting and rare animal.
Author: Jacob W.
Date Published: 12/2012
Source: http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Tarsius_pumilus.html
Picture Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pygmy_tarsier