Common Name: Chimpanzee
Scientific Name: Pan troglodytes
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Family: Hominidae
Genus: Pan
Species: P. troglodytes
This is a common chimpanzee. It lives in tropical forests of central Africa. They are a lot like humans. They are very smart, and they have thumbs just like we do. Chimpanzees are very interesting. Often, adult chimpanzees have a head and body ranging between 635mm. and 925mm. When they are standing up straight they are about 1 to 1.7 meters tall.
When they live in the wild the males weigh between 34 and 70 kg. Females are slightly smaller, they weigh between 26 and 50 kg. The highest for males is 80 kg. and for females is 68 kg. Their arm length is very long and is actually longer than their legs. When they spread their arms out it they are about 1.5 times longer than an humans.
Having their arms longer than their legs allows them to walk on their feet and their hands. They have very long fingers and hands, but short thumbs. This allows them to use their fingers as hooks while climbing. They use their middle finger as a thumb sometimes because their thumbs are so short. The face of the adult is typically black and can be mottled with brown.
The hair on it's body can be black to brown. Sometimes, they have little white hairs around their face. When they get older, they loose hair that is on top of their head. Their hair also turns gray like humans. Their ears are also very prominent so they stand out a lot.
Chimpanzee's travel a lot on the ground. You know that they are resting when they are up in a tree and eating fresh fruit. Their nests contain plant items and big leaves. They have very good memories. They can learn sign language and remember it for years.
Some travel together and others travel alone. Sometimes two female chimps will travel together to give their young an opportunity to play. Grooming is also a regular part of their life. When they are grooming they sit or stand in a line and get tics, dirt and flakes of dead skin off of each other’s back. Play is also very important to chimps of all ages.
Most common is the young playing together but adults sometimes will play with them too. If they play together while they are young, their relationship with one another can last for life. They learn their behavior from their parents.
Their diet consists of ripe fruits, young leaves, stems, buds, bark, pith, seeds and resins. They are omnivores. Sometimes they can eat a small animal such as a bird or mouse. But nothing bigger than its size. The chimpanzee is very interesting. I understand why scientist's consider the thought that we evolved from them.
Author: Taylor S
Published: 02/2007
Photo Credit: 19:54, 13 November 2004 . . Quadell (Talk | contribs) . . 720×480 (73,532 bytes) (By Aaron Logan, from http://www.lightmatter.net/gallery/albums.php cc-by)