Common Name: Bengal Slow Loris
Scientific Name: Nycticebus bengalensis
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Family: Lorisidae
Genus: Nycticebus
Species: N. bengalensis

Nycticebus Bengalensis in its scientific term, but it is known as a Bengal Slow Loris. A Bengal Slow Loris has great characteristics and interesting features that make this animal unique and interesting.
A Bengal Slow Loris has great physical characteristics. One of them is that an adult slow. Loris measure 10- 15 inches, and it weights 13 ounces to about 4.4 pounds. They have short thick hair that has a wide variety of color from light brownish-grey, to deep brown. The dark rings around there eyes, and there feet with oversized thumbs and big toes.
The Bengal Slow Loris lives at the forests and bamboo groves and also at the zoo. In the wild they eat snails, insects, lizards, birds, small mammals, and fruit. In the zoo the zoo keepers feed them fruits, vegetables, seed, grains, nuts, insects, and monkey chow.
The Bengal Slow Loris has a lot to offer with information. They also are really cool facts such as the name slow loris uses a lightning strike to catch its prey with both hands. Also the slow lories clime along the bottom of branches and also the tops of branches, they can hang from tree branches by its hind feet.
The Bengal Slow Loris has great features and facts that make it one of the best. It was interesting learning about an animal that I didn’t know that existed in this world.
Author: Katherine L.
Published: 1/13
Source: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bengal_Slow_Loris>.
Photo Credit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bengal_slow_loris