Common Name: Bank Vole
Scientific Name: Myodes glareoulus
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Rodentia
Family: Cricetidae
Genus: Myodes
Species: M. glareoulus

The Bank Vole is fascinating animal with lots of interesting characteristics that people have never heard about.
The Bank Vole is a small mouse like animal. Bank Voles have rounded faces and small ears. They are completely covered in their reddish brown fur. Bank Voles weigh twenty to forty grams, and are about eight to twelve centimeters long. They are active during both night and day. Bank Voles can run, jump, swim, and climb.
Bank Voles can be found in places such as Europe, Asia, Great Britain, and Ireland. They are sometimes found in woodland, hedge rows, and other vegetation. They live mostly underground where they can store their food. Their underground burrows are lined with moss, grass and leaves.
Bank Voles are a non threatened species, because of their fast reproduction rate. It is estimated that there are about 23,000,000 bank voles just in Great Britain. A female Vole can have up to five litters a season with five or less babies in each litter. Babies born during spring time will be old enough to have babies in the fall.
Some predators of the Bank Vole are the tawny owl, weasels, and foxes. To escape their predators they will run to safe places and try to hide. The Bank Vole is an omnivore. It mostly prefers to eat shrubs, but it also eats snails and other insects. They also eat berries, seeds, leaves, fruits, and herbs.
In conclusion, there are some interesting facts you may not know about the Bank Vole. For example, the lifespan of a Bank Vole is eighteen months. Some of them are the unlucky hosts to some parasites such as nematodes, fleas, and tapeworms. The bank vole is the UK’s smallest vole.
Author: Sabrina A
Published: 10/2012
The Bank Vole - Nature's Little Appetizer." Animal Pictures | Facts about Mammals. Web. 16 Feb. 2011. http://thewebsiteofeverythingcom/weblog/pivot/entry.php?id=795A
S, Harris. "The Bank Vole." Welcome to The Mammal Society. Web. 16 Feb. 2011. http://www.mammal.org.uk/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=318&Itemid=353