Common Name: Rufous Hare-Wallaby
Scientific Name: Lagorchestes hirsutus
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Diprotodontia
Family: Macropodidae
Genus: Lagorchestes
Species: L. hirsutus

The Rufous Hare-Wallaby is a really smart, unique, rare, and interesting animal. I bet you have never heard of a Hare-Wallaby. Well if you haven’t I will tell you about it.
The Rufous Hare-Wallaby is a small animal that has head of a kangaroo and a body of a rabbit. It has thick grey fur. The tail is long, pink, and furless. The weight of it can range from four pounds to five pounds. It lives in places of Australia where there is a lot of food. It spends most of its time in a burrow because of the winter and its predators.
The size of the population and conservation is about 5,000 to 6,000, but it’s shrinking about ten per year, due to people, the cold winter and predators. The main things that the Rufous Hare-Wallaby eats is burned vegetation, grass, leaves, seed heads, sedge, herbs, and shrubs.
The Rufous Hare-Wallaby’s main predators are people, cats, foxes, hawks, owls, eagles, and dingoes. It does not have a hard time surviving though because it is very quick. Another interesting fact is that it is the smallest Hare-Wallaby in the world. It holds its young in its pouch for about seven weeks.
Now that you know about the Rufous Hare-Wallaby you can clearly see it is a really smart, unique, rare, and interesting animal.
Author: Jacob B
Published: 2/14/2011
Smithsonion Institution
Picture source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lagorchestes_hirsutus
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