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Common Name: Kangaroo Rat

Scientific Name: Dipodomys deserti


Kingdom: Animal 

Phylum: Chordata 

Class: Rodentia

Order: Heteromyidae

Family: Heteromyidae 

Genus: Dipodomys 

Species: D. deserti

Dipodomys deserti also known as kangaroo rat looks like a mini kangaroo, but is as big as a mouse. It has large back legs and feet. It grows to about 14 and a half inches and 38 cm long. Including the tail.The color of it's hair is yellow on top and white on bottom. With a white tipped tail.


Kangaroo rats live in the Mojave and Sonoran desert of California and Arizona. They live in large dens with wide openings. Their burrows are up to 4 and a half inches and 1.5 m deep. They spend most of their day underground sleeping, and come out at night when it' s cooler. 


Kangaroo rats mostly eat seeds, leaves, stems, and insects. It' s been adapted to desert life by the water it get's from it' s food. 


A kangaroo rat is the biggest of it's kind and dominates other dipodomys. 


The kangaroo rats predators are coyotes, foxes, badges, and owls. Kangaroo rats are not endangered, their status in the wild is good right now.

Author: Taylor H

Published: 10/2012  







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