Common Name: White Fronted Capuchin
Scientific Name: Cebus albifrons
Kingdom: Anamalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Family: Cebidae
Genus: Cebus
Species: C. albifrons

It might be known for its aggressive behavior or its ability to learn fast but the white-fronted capuchin is widely known and liked in Central and South America. It’s scientific name is Cebus albifrons. It’s size-a very small size- contributes to all it’s characteristics.
At the weight of 7.5 pounds for males and 6.4 pounds for females the white-fronted capuchin is a very light animal. It is long though. At 12 to 22 inches it is from a foot to almost two feet. Its color of white, creamy white, or cinnamon brown and black or brown on the back helps the white-fronted capuchin hide in the trees. The white-fronted capuchin also adapted manipulating objects. This is not common for smaller primates. This is also very identifying for the white-fronted capuchin because watching it pick something up and look under it for a bug for something to eat at the bottom of the Amazon rainforest.
Although it does not have a big range, the white-fronted capuchin has a nice environment. It is spread around north-west South America. It lives in Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela. It also lives in Central America in Columbia. It likes living in rainforest on top of trees.
The size of the white-fronted capuchin’s exact population is unknown. It is thought to be a very big number. It is listed as least concern for endangered animals. Its size in number is going down though so if it keeps going down at the same rate as it is now you might see it on the endangered species list soon. It does play a big role in spreading seeds of the fruits it eats.
The white-fronted capuchin’s diet mainly consists of fruits. It will occasionally eat a bug when there are droughts. Other foods they eat during droughts are palm nuts, figs, and nectar. They also occasionally eat frogs, lizards, and bird eggs. It is too scared to eat a predatory bird, the double-toothed kite, eggs though.
The predators of the white-fronted capuchin are boa constrictors and double-toothed kites. To escape predators the white-fronted capuchin has two methods of escaping predators. One is to exhibit aggressive behavior which includes screaming and breaking branches which confuses its predator. The other form of escaping predators is simply to descending to the forest floor and running. Exhibiting aggressive behavior is very interesting?
The white-fronted capuchin is a very interesting animal but here are some very interesting facts. They can learn just by watching you do something then do it themselves. They can adapt to a new environment-like your home- very quick. They are used people who are no longer in use of some of their limbs.
Once again maybe known for their aggressive behavior or its ability to learn fast the white-fronted capuchin is widely known and liked in Central and South America. It is also liked by people who have lost the use of some of their limbs. It plays a major role of spreading fruit seeds. It also eats bugs that kill crops or people. That is the white-fronted capuchin.
Author: Jr. E
Published: 12/2012
De la Torre, S., Morales, A. L., Link, A. & Cornejo, F. 2008. Cebus albifrons ssp. albifrons. In: IUCN 2010. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2010.4. <www.iucnredlist.org>. Downloaded on 13 February 2011.
Endo, Whaldener. "White-fronted Capuchin - Able to Find What Is under the Rock. - Pictures and Facts." Animal Pictures | Facts about Mammals. Web. 12 Feb. 2011. http://thewebsiteofeverything.com/animals/mammals/Primates/Cebidae/Cebus/Cebus-albifrons.html
Mijal, M. 2001. "Cebus albifrons" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed February 12, 2011 http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Cebus_albifrons.html.
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