Common Name: Florida Blue Centipede
Scientific Name: Scolopendra viridis
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Chilopoda
Order: Scolopendromorpha
Family: Scolopendridae
Genus: Scolopendra
Species: S. viridis

The size ranges from 5-6 cm. Its color can vary from red, brown, orange, green, blue, and sometimes violet. The Scolopendra Viridis can live from North Carolina all the way to Panama. They’ve been seen also in Arizona and Utah. An easy way to identify an S. Viridis is to see its color variations and its body segments.
They are found in pretty much all of the hottest states like Arizona and Utah, Florida, and North Carolina. They do well in the hot, dry place because that’s what attracts them to it. There are an estimated 8,000 species of centipedes. But currently, there are about 3,000 described species. Today there are many centipedes. The only thing to make them decrease in size of the population would be the lack of water. They need water to keep them hydrated so they don’t die.
A lot of vertebrates and invertebrates eat centipedes. Centipedes and prey on each other. Centipedes eat spiders, spiders eat centipedes. They eat whatever is available. They are able to poison their prey through their claws. What they eat is not well-known cause of their cryptic lifestyle.
Some interesting facts about the S. Viridis are that they are nocturnal. Although all centipedes are nocturnal they come out at night time, so they don’t lose as much water. They also live in different habitats like forests, savannah, prairie, and deserts.
Author: Jared R
Published: 02/2008
Sources: BugGuide.net Backyardnature.net wikipedia.org/wiki/Centipede myriapoda.org
Photo Credit: Copyright © 2006 Jeff Hollenbeck http://bugguide.net/node/view/52215