Common Name: Shiny Burrowing Scorpion
Scientific Name: Opistophthalmus glabrifrons
Kingdom: Amimalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Arachida
Order: Scorpiones
Family: Scorpionindae
Genus: Opistophthalmus
Species: Glabrifrons

The name Opistophthalmus glabrifrons does not sound interesting at all but if you continue to read my report then you will think differently. The shiny burrowing scorpion is found in Africa. This species is medium-sized with large pedipalps. The pedipalps, legs, metasoma, and telson are lighter in color than the trunk and posterior. The color is a yellow-brown to a rust-brown. The size is about 9-11.5 cm. The males have longer and thicker metasoma and a more elongated pedipalps hand. This species is known for stridulate (making a hissing sound) loudly when disturbed. The purpose of this essay is for the reader to learn about the shiny burrowing scorpion.
The adult size of this species is 9-11 cm. The males have a longer and thinker metasoma (tail) and more elongated pedipalps. There is a variety of color but is many are yellow-brown to rust-brown. The pedipalps, legs, metasoma, and telson are lighter in color than the trunk and posterior. The shiny burrowing scorpion has a slow growth rate. Little is known about their venom; their sting is very painful. When my scorpion makes a hissing noise it means it is nervous, it is called stridulate.
All scorpions can glow under UV lights. This species can live in 40 degrees.
They are found in Africa, mainly in South Africa. There are five species. They are the world’s most threatened species. No scorpions are presently in South Africa. They can also be endangered by pollution and habitat destruction.
The shiny burrowing scorpions eat crickets, locust, butter worms, meal worms, super worms, flies, cockroaches. Their predators are birds, centipedes, lizards, possum’s, rats, and mice. When the predator tries to eat the scorpion it tries to sting it.
Some important things about my animal is that it can live in 40 to 100 degrees. It’s the most threated species. It can glow under UV lights. The males have larger pedipalps than the females. As you can see scorpions can be cool especially the shiny burrowing scorpion.
Author: Emma H.
Published: 02/2008
Source: Jan Ove Rein, 2012. The Scorpions Files- Opistophthalmus Glabrifrons. www.ntnu.no/ub/Scorpion-files/o glabrifrons.php
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