Common Name: Northern Dwarf Siren
Scientific Name: Pseudobranchus striatus
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordate
Class: Amphibia
Order: Caudate
Family: Sirendae
Genus: Pseudobranchus
Species: P. striatus

There have been many interesting discoveries about the salamander, known as pseudobranchus striatus or more commonly known as the Northern Dwarf Siren. They are approximately 10.2 centimeters long to about 25.1 centimeters long. These salamanders are usually a shade of green with stripes on its sides. The sirens have adapted to their environment by keeping there gills throughout their life and staying aquatic.
The Northern Dwarf Siren eats basically any small invertebrate they can fit in their mouth including worms and ostracods. Since they have such small mouths they’ll swim to eat any insect that they can get a hold of as long as it’s not decomposing. Bloodworms will eat their eggs if they get a chance. Fish will compete for food with the salamander. Salamanders avoid being eaten by blending into the bottom of the pond or swamps they live in.
Sirens don’t have a wide range of where they live. They live in shallow ditches, Cypresses, swamps, and weed-filled ponds. Mainly in Georgia, Florida, South Carolina. There gills help them do well in there ecosystem by helping them breath in the water, they also have small lungs.
The Northern Dwarf Sirens population has been decreasing. They are threatened by people living nearby. They don’t need special protection because they have a stable population. But more people moving into their habitat could dramatically affect this animal.
The Northern Dwarf Siren has some strange characteristics. Unlike most salamanders they don’t have back legs. Also they have two tiny front legs that are very small. When caught they make faint yelping noises. I learned that some salamanders live in water their whole life. The Northern Dwarf Siren is a very strange salamander.
Author: Scott Unruh
Published: 05/2010