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Common Name: American Bullfrog
Scientific Name: Rena catesbeiana

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Amphibian
Order: Anuran
Family: Radian
Genius: Rena
Species: R. catesbeiana


Did you know that another name for the American Bullfrogs is, Rana Catesbeiana? If you didn’t, now you do. This bullfrog weighs about 500 grams and 203 mm in length.

Breeding takes place around May to July in the north. And in the south February to October. The females usually deposit 20,000 eggs in a foamy film in quiet protected waters.

Now I ‘m going to talk about, the American Bullfrogs habitat. These bullfrogs live in the Native to the necrotic region. A lot live in Florida.  Bullfrogs were introduced in the early 1900’s.

Now their Kingdom is Animalia. The phylum is, chordate. Next, the subphylum is Vertebrate. The class is Amphibian, the order is Anura. Then the family is Radian. The genius is Rena.  Finally, the species is Rena catesbeiana.

Here are some important facts, which I found interesting that concerned me. Bullfrogs in the North maybe going extinct. In Colorado, there have been problems with a declining population also. Those are some (Negative) things about bullfrogs. Here are some positive things about bullfrogs. First, they help keep insect pests away. They are also important for medical research.

Author: Bridgette D.

Published: 04/2006

Sources:"American Bullfrog, Rana Catesbeiana." UGGS Wildlife Research Center. 30 Sept. 2002. USGS Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center. 3 May 2006 .


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