Common Name: Indian Cobra
Scientific Name: Naja naja
Species:N. naja

The Naja naja is a king cobra that lives in India. It can grow up from 1.8 to 3 meters long. Its colors are black, dark brown, and creamy white. It has smooth scales, black eyes and a wide neck. It is extremely dangerous and poisonous. In the back of the hood are circles that look like eyes. The king cobra lives in mountains, grasslands, and rocks. If something would try and catch it, it would slither into tight spots in the rocks. The king cobra is found in Asia, and Africa. Each has different species of the cobra. They still haven’t figured out the population in India of the king cobra.
Every year more and more species of the king cobra dies. They are hunted for their famous hood and murdered. Preditors that may prey on the cobra are the mongoose, hawks and eagles. Practically all of the carnivores in India eats the same type of food. The king cobras eat rodents, lizards, and frogs. They also some times eat other snakes. The mongoose is one of their worst threats because of how vicious and strong it is. They also get eaten by hawks or eagles. They grab them and fly away. When the king cobra is threatened it will stand on one third of it’s body, and open it’s hood. If it is attacked it will spit venom at your eyes and will cause a lot of damage. When I was writing this report I figured out there were a lot of different kinds of king cobras. I was glad with the one I got because its scientific name was a lot easier to say and its name is funny.
Author: Pilo P
Published: 02/2007
Photo Credit: 09/2006, Saleem Hameed