Common Name: Pygmy Copperhead
Scientific Name: Austrelaps labialis
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Reptilia
Order: Serpentes
Family: Elapidae
Genus: Austrelaps
Species: A. labialis

Pygmy Copperheads range from 4 to 5 feet long. They are generally grey or black. Females can produce from 2 to 10 live born young hatching only on January and February.
The venom of the Copperhead has neurotoxic, haemolytic and cytolytic actions and is considered extremely dangerous to man. Upon any suspected snakebite, immediately apply First Aid bring transport to the victom and transport to the nearest major hospital for emergency treatment.
Pygmy Copperhead eats frogs, smaller lizards; skinks including small blue tongue lizards and smaller snakes. Although a shy and re retreating snake by nature, if cornered or feeling threatened this snake may hiss loudly and take on a threatening posture, flattening it's neck and rearing up off the ground in a striking stance, sometimes with it’s mouth open ready to bite .
They are found throughout Kangaroo Island, the colder and the wetter areas of the Mt. Lofty Ranges and isolated areas of the Fleurieu Peninsular in Sth. Australia. The Adelaide Hills is the only area of mainland Australia where this particular species is found & therefore must be considered on the "Endangered Species" list. Although diurnal in nature this snake is sometimes encountered hunting it's prey during an evening. This species is often encountered basking in sunlit sheltered areas in extremely cool to cold weather, which would normally see other snakes - inactive or in hibernation.
The population is growing. They live a pretty long time if they could find enough food and water for themselves and their young It is now rare in some islands and is listed as threatened in those similar to that of the lowland copperhead, Austrelaps labialis venom yields are much lower.
Author: Christian C.
Published: 02/2010
Sources: http://www.snake-away-services.websyte.com.au/site.cfm?/snake-away-services/5/ http://www.venomsupplies.com/copperheads/
Photo Credit: John Langsford http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Austrelaps_labialis_head.JPG