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Common Name: Amazon Horned Frog
Scientific Name: Ceratophrys cornuta

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Amphibia
Order: Anura
Family: Leptodactylidae
Genus: Ceratophrys
Species: C. cornuta


Amazon Horned Frogs are large. They are 7 to 15 centimeters in length. The coloration is different between males and females. Females are usually tan and males are usually lime green, but some of them are tan. These frogs are good with blending in with things like leaves because these frogs have horns a little over there eyes. Blending in is a good way to avoid a predator. A good way to identify these animals is by seeing if they have the horns over their head.

The Amazon Horned frog is found in many places The Amazonian Basin of Columbia, Ecuador, The Guianas, Venezuela, Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil. They occur in open areas within the forest and habituate on leaves of the floor. They are also found near freshwater marshes and pools in old areas of the
forest. Amazon Horned Frogs feed on many small animals like rodents and smaller frogs and they serve as prey for larger animals. Scientists say little is known about the ecosystem of these of these animals.

I do not really know the population, but it is a common species. This species is shrinking. The cause of the shrinking is people are taking them out of there natural habitat because of pet trade which could affect some populations. The range of this species includes many protected areas. If the Amazon Horned Frog is kept in a healthy environment, they can live up to be 9 to 10 years old.

Amazon Horned Frogs will eat anything that can fit in their mouths including other frogs. They have an advantage because they can camouflage which helps them get their prey. These animals are small and they have to watch out for other animals. They compete for food with rodents and sometimes other frogs that are smaller in size.

I learned that this frog does not seek harm to humans, but if you don’t handle it correctly it could bite you because they have sharp teeth and can bite hard. Something interesting is how they have horns on top of there eyes, which also helps them camouflage. I also learned that these frogs could weigh up to 1 pound or maybe more. This amphibians mouth is 1.6 times wider than its body.

Author: Jared F
Published: 02/2007

Internet web
Date of access: Day5MonthJanuary, Year 2005

Encyclopedia: Author: Anonymous
Article Title: Amazon Horned Frogs
Title of book: The World Book Encyclopedia
Year: 2000

Book: Anonymous, Amazon Horned Frogs.San Diego, Anonymous, 2002

Photo Credit:
@ Project Amazonas, Inc., photo by Devon Graham



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