A hookworm is a parasitic worm that anyone can be infested by. They live in the United States, North Africa, India, China and Indonesia. Hookworms live in warm, humid climates and cannot survive in the cold. They can live anywhere as long as it’s moist or dry, and warm.
There are many different species of hookworms. Some are human parasites and some are animal parasites. Their size ranges from 8 to 11 millimeters long. The color of a hookworm is generally grey with a red tinge. They have few adaptions, such as the two pairs of sharp teeth to allow them to attach to the intestines of the host and eat the intestinal mucus. They are most commonly found in puppies, but they can still infect humans just as easily.
As mentioned before, hookworms can survive in warm humid climates and are found all over the world, mostly in tropical climates. Hookworms can occur in large or small populations in any warm places. Their population can vary depending on climate. People are actually trying to get rid of the hookworm because it is so deadly. More than 750 million people are infected a year.
Hookworms only eat on one thing. They are eaten then they eat what ate them. These parasites hook onto the small intestine of animals and humans and feed on the blood and intestinal mucus by using their sharp pair of teeth. Hookworms actually have no predators because when they’re eaten they feed on the host that ate them. The perfect climate can be found inside the human body.
Hookworms have no importance that we know of, and like I said before people are actually trying to get rid of them. They are very deadly. What stands out is that you can easily be infected by them walking in warm moist soil. This will encourage others and me to not go barefoot in the tropics.
Author: Sam H
Published: 2/2013
Bibliography: http://education.nationalgeographic.com/education/encyclopedia/food-web/?ar_a http://creationwiki.org/Hookworm picture credit: http://adventuredoc.net/
Book source: Encyclopedia of Public Health | 2002 | Fulford, Martha; Keystone, Jay