Common Name: Old World Hookworm
Scientific Name: Ancylostoma duodenale
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Nematoda
Class: Secernentea
Order: Strongylida
Family: Ancylostomatidae
Genus: Ancylostoma
Species: A. duodenale

Have you ever wondered why your skin was so dry? Or why your skin was so itchy? These are just a few symptoms of a hookworm infection. This hookworm is found in the small intestines of a dog, cat, and even humans. These hookworms grow to be 8mm long to 13mm long in male size and 10mm to 13mm long in female size. This hookworm is a small cylindrical worm and is grayish white in color. Even though this hookworm is found in the small intestine it is also found in endemic areas. This hookworm is also found in mines too, because of the consistency in temperature and humidity, which is an ideal habitat for egg and juvenile development.
This hookworm is found in many places including Sothern Europe, North Africa, India, China, Southeast Asia, and parts of the U.S., Caribbean, and South America. The hookworm affects one billion people by estimate. It’s one out of the two human hookworms. In addition, its average lifespan is one year.
The hookworm lives in endemic areas and in small intestines. So how does it protect itself? Well, hookworms try hiding in their surroundings or environments. To protect themselves from predators or other reasons. The hookworm is an intestinal parasitic worm found in endemic areas and small intestines of dogs, cats, and humans.
The hookworm feeds and diets on the blood of its host. The hookworm has no real predators because it’s mostly an internal worm. And if it was eaten it would be a good thing. However, Hookworms are a small but dangerous species!
I learned many things about this hookworm! Like how the typical female hookworm lays up to 10,000 to 30,000 eggs per day! Also, how once the hookworms larvae/ eggs are laid, they cannot be distinguished! In conclusion, the hookworm affects one billion people in estimate! As you can see, Ancylostoma duodenale is not only a hookworm, but a dangerous and infective disease that is contagious!
Author: Angelina B
Published: 02/2013