Common Name: Yellow Spotted Barbet
Scientific Name: Buccanodon duchaillui
Kingdom: Animila
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Piciformes
Family: Lybiidae
Genus: Buccanodon
Species: B. duchaillui

The Buccanodon duchillui commonly known as the yellow spotted barbet, this bird generally grows from 20-25cm in length. This plump-looking bird has a large head, and have heavy bill with fringed bristles. There close realitives, the Tinkerbirds, are only 7g and 9cm. This bird is mainly solitary (keeps to its self) that eats wide range of insects and fruit. Figs are this bird’s favorite fruit, but they visit many other fruiting trees, as the fruits are high in nutrition. The barbet eats 60 different kinds of fruit and vegetables. They will also visit farms and plantations, for the fruit and vegetables are much cleaner and less polluted. They will regurgitate the seed or pit of the fruit recently eaten, usually before singing. The barbet does not regurgitate in the nest, this helps spread trees in different areas.
The barbet eats not only fruit and vegetables, but also has a taste for anthropod prey. A wide list of insects is on the barbet’s menu such as ants, cicadas, dragonflies, crickets, locusts, beetles, moths and mantids. Scorpions and centipedes are also eaten; some species will also eat small vertebrates such as lizards, frogs and geckos. This bird is capable of eating insects that other birds are deathly afraid of. The yellow spotted barbet is not on any endangered lists, but could be hunted down quickly by the natives of the areas were they inhabit. They barbet are native to the sub-Saharan Africa, to the far south west of South Africa.
There has been generally little interference by humans. Some of the species which require primary woodland are declining due to the recent loss of forests, occasionally to the benefit of close relatives. For example the loss of highland woods in Kenya has seen the Moustached Tinkerbird almost disappear and the Red-fronted Tinkerbird expand its range. In other words the population of this bird strongly depends on its environment. The bird is able to adapt, with drastic changes certain species of the barbet are decreasing and others are thriving.
Author: Quinten M H
Published: 02-19-14
Sources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yellow-spotted_Barbet