Common Name: Mountain Quail
Scientific Name: Oreortx pictus
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Galliformes
Family: Orntophoridae
Genus: Oreortyx
Species: O. pictus

My animal is a mountain quail. A mountain quail is in the Kingdom Animalia with many other animals. The mountain quail is a small ground dwelling bird in the quail family. The mountain quail species is the only one in its genus. But, is sometimes included in callipepla. However the mountain quail’s ancestors have diverged from other new quails.
The mountain quail is an average size is 26-28 cm, with a wingspan of 35-40 cm. They are relatively short, rounded wings and long. They have short featherless legs too. Mountain quails are easily recognized by their top knots on their heads. The male top knots are shorter then the female top knots. They also, have a brown face, gray breasts, a brown back and primaries, and lastly their white barred underside.
This bird inhabits mountainous chaparral in the west of the rocky mountains, from the united states of Baja Mexico. It was introduced by a British Columbia in Canada. Some of areas of Washington state in the USA. It can be found up to to 3000 m about sea level. Its is a non-migratory species. But, some populations may be altitudinal migrants in some ranges.
The mountain quail has a diet that consists of plant matter and seeds. The chicks are decidedly more insectivorous than adults, gradually consuming more plant matter as they mature. They some times eat shrub and tree cover sometimes. Also, includes invertabrates. Which is 20% of their diet. The invertebrate diet is very important to the young quail. The consumers eat fruits, flowers, nuts, acorns, and seeds. The mountain quails diet is varied between areas.
The mountain quail is very interesting I learned many things about this bird like it’s length, wingspan, diet, and habitat. The mountain quail was very fun learning about the mountain quail but also difficult trying to find out the interesting facts about the mountain quail, but I still found many facts and learned new facts about the mountain quail.
Author: Camille F
Published: 02/2014
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