Common Name: Stellers jay
Scientific Name: Cyanocitta stelleri
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Corvidae
Genus: Cyanocitta
Species: C.stelleri

Steller's Jay, is it a thief?, Is it a criminal?, Is it a burglar?, no its just that black piece of fur on its head. The black fur looks like a hoodie on its head, that's why it looks like a thief. The steller's jay is blue to the neck and down, the top of its head is like a black mohawk. It has a blue grid on its back, like a pattern. The steller's blue jay is really close to a blue jay but its not, and people get mixed up with them.
Steller's jay primarily lives in coniferous forest. But can be found in other different forest areas. They can be found in low to moderate elevations as high as the tree line,but rarely go that high. The steller jay lives in mostly of California and down south. The steller is a ground forager, and it an omnivore, it eats nuts,berries,seeds,insects,small animals,eggs, and nestlings.
The steller's population seems to be increasing very well. And people all around the world are protecting this bird. To help its population increase and to keep this magnificent bird on this world. There are lots of different kinds of shellers. That have different kind of fur patterns.
The stellar eats insects,seeds,nuts,berries,small animals, and nestlings. They eat anytime that they can get there beaks on. They eat by using their beaks,and there ground foragers. They eat thier food in the trees ,they get their food and fly back into the trees. They compete with other birds and small animals for food.
The stellars predators are hawks,vultures and even owls. The stellar trys to evade these predators as much as possible. The stellars defense attack I a loud shriek. And they attack with there claws. And they can escape to the high trees above.
Author: Matthew l.
Published: 02 /2014
Photo Credit to:http://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Stellers_Jay/id