Common Name: The Clouded Yellow
Scientific Name: Colias croceus
Kingdom: Animilia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Lempidopter
Family: Pieridae
Genus: Colias
Species: C. croceus

The Colias Croceus is about 3-5 inches long. Also, the adult Colias Croceus has medium to small wings that are white, yellow, or orange with some black or red dots. They adapt well to any environment that has plants.
The Colias Croceus has lots of predators. Some of them are spiders, bees, birds, and owls. The Colias Croceus evades being eaten by hiding by a plant. Since the Colias croeus is green it can barely be seen next to a plant. Well, the Colias Croceus eat leaves and nectar from flowers.
The Colias Croceus is found in India, China, and Africa. You can find the Colias Croceus in a Forrest or anywhere that has plants. You couldn’t find this animal in the city or any busy place. There are not a lot of Colias croceus.
There are about 120,000 left in the world. This kind of animal is growing and shrinking. Because the female butterfly lays eggs and some of them hatch and others don’t. Other animals that eat plants also eat the eggs that the mother butterfly had put there to hatch.
What stood out to me the most about this animal was that this animal only has 120,000 left in the world. What I learned about this animal was that it has lots of predators, like the spider, bees, and birds-est.
Author: Krista W
Published: 02/2010