Common Name: Malaysian Orchid Mantis
Scientific Name: Hymenopus coronatus
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insectia
Order: Mantodea
Family: Hymenoptera
Genus: Hymenopus
Species: H. coroatus

Imagine you are about 4 inches tall with four extra legs and having to basically fight to survive in a ravenous jungle that’s how a malison mantis fells. The malison mantis or Hymenopus coronatus lives in the southern Asian jungle. It is Wight and pink to camouflage with the papaya trees, orchids, or frangipani trees with flowers. The following essay will show of how the malison mantis has to struggle for life.
Hymenopus coronatus is one of the many species of mantises. The females get up to 4.5 inches while the males get up to 2 inches tall. There coloration is a beautifully coloration of light pink and white skin helps it to blend in with certain flowers, its four walking legs also resemble pedals of certain flowers which is an adaptation to help it blend in primarily the orchid.
The Malaysian mantis is found in Southern Asian jungles. The mantis’s population number is unknown by the United States Agriculture Department. This species has a hard time to reproduce because of the males being half the size, but it is a very common pet, because of its com personality, but in California clement it would die instantly without a special tank. If you do buy one as a pet it might start molting if it’s in the right humidity.
It is also very good for agricultural reasons because it kills off pesky bugs by eating them. The baby mantis eats flightless fruit flies, pinhead crickets, and other small insects. Adults will eat crickets, moths, flies, and other large insects such as aphids. It is said that feeding this mantis is quite a show because of how it kills its pray by biting into its side.
Finally the Malaysian orchid mantis or hymenopus coronatus is very important animal because of its many talents including killing bugs or being a weird but cool pet. One of the main reasons it would be cool pet is its beautiful colors. By far the Malaysian orchid mantis is a very cool bug.
By: Armand Cruz Jr.
Date Published: 3/14/13
Sources: www.tropical-plants-flowers-and-decor.com/orchid-mantis.html