Common Name: Japanese Relict Dragonfly
Scientific Name: Epiophlebia superstes
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Odonata
Family: Epiophlebiidae
Genus: Epiophlebia
Species: E. superstes

The relic dragonfly isn’t made out of jewelry, but its sure is a beauty. With a black and yellow body and crazy long wings, this dragonfly is one of the rarest. This dragonflies scientific name is Epiophlebia Superstes. It has a 10 mm long tail with a black and yellow body. You can find this dragonfly in Japan. This essay will contain all the facts that can be found throughout the internet, and books.
This dragonfly has huge eyeballs, six legs, and a furry torso. The relic dragonfly is 1-4 inches long. The coloration of this dragonfly is all black with yellow spots. There were no adaptations that this animal does have. This animal is an obvious eye candy.
This animal lives in rainforests. This animal can be found in Japan. The population is unknown but there are approximately 9,781,560,989,592 dragonflies in the world. this animal conserves energy by sleeping at night. This dragonfly does have some very interesting facts about it.
Dragonflies feed upon smaller insects, such as tiny flies, gnats, mites, spiders and small crawling bugs. They also eat the eggs and larvae of other insects. This animal gets eaten by birds, spiders, and frogs. They eat during the day when they aren’t on adventures. these animals also eat bees and mosquitos.
The importance of this animal is that it helps keep the ecosystem balanced by eating other organisms. They stand out with their large wings. this animal is super cool looking with black and yellow eye-candy looks.
Author: Derek H.
Published: 3/2012
Photo Credit:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epiophlebia_superstes
Sources: www.answers.com, www.wikipedia.com