Common Name: Merten’s Sea Anemone
Scientific Name: Stichodactyla mertensii
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Cnidaria
Class: Anthozoa
Order: Actinaria
Family: Stichodactylidae
Genus: Stichodactyla
Species: S. mertensii

A beautiful creature we know as a Sea carpet anemone is called Stichodactyla Mertensii.
It is the largest Sea anemone. The Merten’s Sea Anemone can grow up to 1m. The tips of their tentacles come in the colors. White, green, or yellow. Their oral disc also comes in colors: green, cream, or a yellowish color. Their column can be tan or a whitish color, which is covered in sticky bumps. Their bumps can be tan, orange, or magenta. They are disc-shaped liked. With folded edges (sometimes). Their tentacles can be regular or short. They can grow up to be 1-2 cm.
The Merten’s Sea Anemone has many different species of fishes that live in them. An example of one is the Clown Fish. They live on rocks, reef fronts, and others on the sandy grounds. You can see a Merten’s Sea Anemone in areas like Australia, Fiji, and Tonga. There is not an exact number of how many there are in the world, but there is not many still around in the ocean.
The Merten’s Sea Anemone is a carnivorous animal. They eat tiny fishes that happen to come near them. They also sometimes get their food from the Clownfishes. The fishes sometimes will bring chunks of fish with them. They also eat Snails, Sea Urchins, Crabs, and Shrimp. They blind their prey with their stinging part of their tentacles. They are often eaten by sea slugs; the slugs eat their tentacles though their tentacles are poisonous. In addition, Sea Stars or Starfishes eat them.
The thing that stood out to me when researching was how many colors they can come in. Moreover, they may look like beautiful flowers under water. They can be quite deadly. I also learned about how much they can grow up to. And how they become useful homes for many fishes.