Common Name Mereschowsky
Scientific Name Monobrachium parasitum
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Cnidaria
Class Hydrozoa
Order Limnomedusae
Family Monobrachiidae
Genus Monobrachium
Species M. parasitum

In this paragraph, you will learn about an animal called Monobrachium parasitum. You will learn how it eats and lives. Also how it looks and survives in its habitat. This animal is very interesting so if you want to learn more about it continue reading.
The Monobrachium parasitum is very small in size. The Monobrachium parasitum has a pinkish clear color. The one tentacled hydroid is found in Nanoose Bay, British Columbia as well as are very own West coast of North America. Monobrachium parasitum is called the one tentacled hydroid because as clearly stated it is a hydroid with one tentacle.
This interesting creature does well in there habitat because in the water it can move. If its habitat was on land it would not be able to move or get food with out water .the one tentacled hydroid is found mostly at Vancouver island. The population of this animal is unknown at the time. But the population is believed to be growing. They are growing because there are very little things that are eating them.
The one tentacled hydroid eats eats small fish, eggs, zoo plankton, and other invertebrates. They eat by there prey getting caught in there tentacles. They compete with other bigger fish. Sometimes sharks or other bigger fish eat the monobrachium parasitum. Some interesting facts about the monobrachium parasitum is that they swim fast. Also, they are marine animals and can be purple in color.
In these paragraphs you learned how monobrachium parasitum eats. Also how it survives and lives in its habitats. So I hoped you enjoyed reading about this very interesting animal.
author Jalynn W
published 2013
sources enwikipedia.org.monobrachium,February 1, 2013