Common Name: Red Jellyfish
Scientific Name: Voragonema pedunculata
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Cnidaria
Class: Hydrozoa
Order: Trachymedusae
Family: Rhopalonematide
Genus: Voragonema
Species: V. pedunculata

Would you like to be a species underwater which usually never gets hunted by a predator? Voragonema pedunculata means a small read jellyfish. It is 4cm in diameter and has between 1000 and 2000 small tentacles. It lives in the Pacific Ocean with known distributions in Monterey Bay, California and the San Clemente Basin. I’m going to tell you about the general description, habitat/population/conversation, and diet/feeding habits/predators.
First, is the general description. The general size of the small red jellyfish is 4cm in diameter. Its 1000 tentacles are red and the outer part of it is blue. It lives in the Pacific Ocean but some of the jellyfish adapted to the Monterey Bay or the San Clemente Basin. A characteristic that you can identify is the ring canal that separates this genus from other genera. All these facts support general description.
Next, is the habitat, population, and conversation. The small red jellyfish was founded in the Pacific Ocean. The population for voragonema pedunculata is about ten million. It protects itself by stinging its predators with stinging cells called cnidocytes. All these facts support habitat/population/conversation.
Last, is the diet, feeding habits, and predators. They eat zooplankton, eggs, and larvae of other marine creatures and crustaceans. It drifts along the ocean current and eats whatever is available. Many jellyfishes don’t have prey. Sea turtles can be jellyfishes prey. It gets away be stinging it with its stinging cells. All these facts support diet, feeding habits, and predators.
It’s important because it plays an important role in the ocean ecosystem. They have been around for hundreds of millions of years. What stood out to me is that it has 1000-2000 small tentacles. I think people should protect these animals.
Author: Joey A
Published: 02/2013
http://www.wikipedia.org. Wikipedia, February, 2013
http://www.jellyfishart.com Jellyfish Art, 2013
http://www.jellyfishfacts.net Jellyfish facts, 2013