Common name: Swamp Rabbit
Scientific name: Sylviagus aquaticus
Kingdom: Animaila
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammaila
Order: Lagomorpha
Family: Leporidae
Genuis: Sylvilagus
Species: S. aquatics

You may of heard of a swamp alligator, but this is not a swamp alligator, this is a swamp rabbit. The swamp rabbit weighs 3 to 6 pounds. It is the biggest cotton tail and is brown with a white tail and little whit on the bottom of there feet. They also have faded little black lines on there fur.
They live in central america and like swamp, marshy areas. Unlike most rabbits swamp rabbits make little huts or or beds of grass above the ground. The population of swamp rabbits are a little on the low side. There's no accurate amount of how many swamp rabbits there are.
Swamp rabbits mostly feed on grass, reeds, and plants.There most active when its nice a cool. Most swamp rabbits don't reach there adult hood because they usually they catch diseases from the swamps or some snakes could eat them. Its said that only one out of three swamp rabbits make it to there adult hood.
As you can see that the swamp rabbit has there advantages and disadvantages , the swamp is a very interesting animal from the way it lives to the way it eats.
Author: Levi H
Published: 2/2013
Sources: http://www.nsrl.ttu.edu/tmot1/sylvaqua.htm
Book ?Interesting rabbits